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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University

EE336: Semiconductor Devices
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag


This course introduces fundamentals of carrier generation, transport, recombination, and storage in semiconductors, Physical principles of operation and first order device models of PN junction, metal-semiconductor contact, BJT and MOS transistors, and other related devices, and Basis of semiconductor devices fabrication. Course objectives include:
  • Describe  fundamental principles of wafer fabrication processes in semiconductor technology
  • Understand fundamental concepts of solid state physics applied to the semiconductor devices
  • Explain general electrical behaviors of semiconductor devices and construct appropriate physical models
  • Illustrate structural details and current-voltage characteristics of diode, BJT, and MOSFET devices
  • Apply the fundamental understanding of semiconductor devices with knowledge on the limitations of physical models
  • Practice modeling and simulation SPICE CAD tools to increase understanding of semiconductor devices taught in the course
Teaching Load (Fall 2014):
  • Lectures (4 hours), Tutorials (2 hours), Lab (2 hours)
  • Office Hours: Saturday 12:00AM to 2:00PM.
  • Teaching Assistant: Eng. Mohamed Megahed
Course work and assesment (out of 150) are as follows:
  • Year Work
    • Attendance: 5 marks
    • 4-5 Labs: 10 marks
    • Lab exam: 5 marks
    • Project: 10 marks, for the project description click here
  • A Midterm exam: 30 marks
  • A Final Exam: 90 marks
Tools to be used are:

Course Outline
  1. Semiconductor Physics:
    1. Energy Bands and Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium
    2.  Carrier Transport Phenomena
    3. Drift, diffusion, and generation-recombination
    4. Continuity equation
  2. Semiconductor Devices:
    1. pn Junctions
    2. Metal-semiconductor junctions
    3. Bibolar junction transistor (BJT)
    4. Field effect transistor (FET): Junction FET (JFET), Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor FET (MOSFET)
  3. Semiconductor Technology:
    1. Crystal Growth and Epitaxy
    2. Film Formation
    3. Lithography and Etching
    4. Impurity Doping
    5. Integrated Devices

  • Textbook:
    • Hu, Chenming. Modern semiconductor devices for integrated circuits. Prentice Hall, 2010. Book Link
  • Reference books:
    • Pierret, Robert F. "Semiconductor device fundamentals." 2nd Edition, (1996).
    • Streetman, Ben G., and Sanjay Banerjee. "Solid state electronic devices." 6th Edition, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1995.
    • Sze, Simon Min. "Semiconductor devices: physics and technology." John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

Course Materials (2015)

Lecture 1 Course Policy, Introcuction [PDF]
Lectures 2,3 Chapter 1: Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors [PDF]
Lectures 4,5, 6 Chapter 2: Motion and Recombination of Electrons and Holes [PDF]
Lectures 7, 8 Chapter 4: PN and Metal–Semiconductor Junctions [PDF]
Lectures 9, 10 MS Contacts and Shottky Diode [PDF]
Lectures 11, 12 BJT Fundamentals [PDF]

Sheet 1 Electrons and Holes in Semiconductors [PDF]
Sheet 2 Motion and Recombination of Electrons and Holes [PDF]
Sheet 3 pn Junction [PDF]
Sheet 4 Metal-Semiconductor Junction [PDF]
Sheet 5 BJT Fundamentals and IV Characteristics [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab 1 Reverse bias pn Junction [PDF]
Lab 2 Forward bias pn junction [PDF]
Lab 3 Bipolar Junction Transistor [PDF]
Lab 4 Metal-Oxide-Semicoductor Field Effect Transistor [PDF]

Course Materials (2014)

Lecture 1 Course Policy, Introcuction [PDF], [PDF]
Lecture 2 Carrier Modeling [PDF]
Lectures 3,4 Carrier Action (Drift, Diffusion) [PDF]
Lecture 5 Carrier Action (Recom-Gen) [PDF]
Lecture 6 pn Junction Electrostatics [PDF]
Lecture 7 pn Junction IV Characteristics [PDF]
Lecture 8 MS Contacts and Shottky Diode [PDF]
Lecture 9 BJT Fundamentals [PDF]
Lecture 10, 11 MOS Capacitors [PDF]
Lecture 12 Basics of MOSFETs [PDF]

Sheet 1 Chapter 2: Carrier Modeling [PDF]
Sheet 2 Chapter 3: Carrier Action [PDF]
Sheet 3 Chapter 5: pn Junction Electrostatics [PDF]
Sheet 4 Chapter 6: pn Junction IV Characteristics [PDF]
Sheet 5 Chapter 14: Metal Semiconductor Diodes [PDF]
Sheet 6 Chapter 10, 11: BJT Fundamentals and IV Characteristics [PDF]
Sheet 7 Chapter 16, 17: MOS Capacitors and MOSFET Basics [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab 1 Reverse-biased pn Junction [PDF]
Lab 2 Forward-biased pn junction [PDF]
Lab 3 Bipolar Junction (BJT) Transistor [PDF]
Lab 4 Metal-Oxide-Semicoductor Field Effect (CMOS) Transistor [PDF]

Course Materials (2013)

Lecture 1 Introcuction [PDF]
Lecture 2 CMOS Fabriaction [PDF]
Lecture 4,5 Epitaxial Formation and Layer Growth [PDF]
Lecture 6,7 Photolithography and Etching [PDF]
Lecture 8 Impurity Dopping [PDF]
Lecture 9-14 MOS Capacitance and MOSFET [PDF]

Previous Exams
Mid-term Exams 2013 , 2014, 2015
Final Exams 2014 , 2015

  • 28/2/2016: Year work results [2015].
  • 29/12/2015: Midterm results [2015].
  • The course start date is 30/9/2015.
  • New videos are uploaded in the Useful Links section 19/11/2015.
  • Please use the following form to submit your project file, Only PDF format is acceptable. The project submission deadline is 1/1/2016 11:59 PM. Delayed submissions will be downgraded (each day of delay == -1 grade).

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© Copyright 2010-2017, Mohammed M. Farag | Last updated: February 24, 2017