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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University

EE391: Control Systems and Components
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag



This course introduces basics and fundamentals of classical and modern automatic feedback control engineering. Course objectives include:

  • Define a control system and describe a control system’s design process.
  • Understand the basic concepts and disciplines of automatic control.
  • Model electrical and mechanical systems in the time and frequency domains.
  • Analyze and design feedback control systems using both classical and modern techniques.
  • Use Matlab to analyze and design control systems.

Teaching Load (Spring 2013):

  • Lectures (4 hours), Tutorials (2 hours), Lab (2 hours)
  • Office Hours: Saturday from 11:30AM to 2:00PM.
  • Teaching Assistant: Eng. Bassant Hamza

Course work and assesment (out of 150) are as follows:

  • 5 Labs  + Attendance (10 marks)
  • 2 Projects (10 marks)
    • Classic Control Project: Read this file [PDF] for the project details and important dates.
    • Modern Control Project: Read this file [PDF] for the project details and important dates.
  • Homeworks (10 marks)
  • A Midterm exam (30 marks)
  • A Final Exam (90 marks)

Tools to be used are:

Course Outline
  1. Introduction to control systems.
  2. Mathematical modeling of control systems.
  3. Time-domain analysis of control systems.
  4. The root-locus method.
  5. Frequency-domain analysis.
  6. State-space (modern control) methods
    1. State-space representation and transformations to and transfer function
    2. State-space realizations: Frobeneous, Observer, and Canonical forms.
    3. Stability, Controllability, and Observability
    4. State and output feedback
    5. State estimators

  • Textbook:
    • “Modern Control Systems”, 12th Edition, Richard Dorf, Robert Bishop
    •  “Linear System Theory and Design”, 3rd Edition, Chi-Tsong Chen
  • Supplementary References:
    • “Automatic Control Systems”, 9th Edition Benjamin C. Kuo & F. Golnaraghi

Lecture 1 Introcuction [PDF]
Lecture 2, 3 Modeling of Control Systems [PDF]
Lecture 4 Modern Control [PDF]
Lecture 5, 6 State Space Solutions and Realizations [PDF]
Lecture 7,8 State Space Solutions and Realizations (2) [PDF]
Lecture 9 Stability, Observability, and Controllability [PDF]
Lecture 10 State Feedback [PDF]
Lecture 11 Output Feedback [PDF]
Lecture 12 State Estimators [PDF]
Lecture 13 State Estimators (2) [PDF]
Lecture 14 Reference Input and Prescaling [PDF]

Sheet 1 Modeling of Control Systems [PDF]
CP1 Computer Problems 1 [PDF]
Sheet 2 State Space Solutions and Realizations [PDF]
Sheet 3 Stability, Controllability, and Observability [PDF]
Sheet 4 State Feedback and State Observers [PDF]
Review Questions State-Space Control Review Questions [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab 1 Cruise Control using PID Controllers [PDF]
Lab 2 DC Motor Speed: Frequency Domain Methods for Controller Design [PDF]
Lab 3 Suspension system control using root locus control method [PDF]
Lab 4 Aircraft Pitch: State-Space Methods for Controller Design [PDF]

Course Materials (2013)

Lecture 1 Introcuction [PDF]
Lecture 2,3 Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems [PDF]
Lecture 4-6 Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems [PDF]
Lecture 7-14 Modern Control [PDF]

Sheet 2 State-space control Sheet [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab 1 Cruise Control using PID Controllers [PDF]
Lab 2 DC Motor Speed: Frequency Domain Methods for Controller Design [PDF]
Lab 3 Suspension system control using root locus control method [PDF]

Previous Exams
Mid-term Exams 2013, 2015
Final Exams 2013

  • 3/4/2015: The project of the state-space control part is announced.
    • Read this file [PDF] for the project details.
    • Teams are allowed (the maximum number of team members is four).
    • You are requirred to submit a report summarizing your work and the project design files compressed in a zipped file.
    • The project deadline is 25/6/2015 and you should submit the project files to the course TAs (Mohamed Megahed, Bassant Hamza ) by the deadline.
    • The project is graded out of 5 and late submissions will be downgraded (each day of delay == -1 grade).
  • 15/5/2015: The mid-term is announced. Read this [PDF].

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