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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University

EE432: VLSI Modeling and Design
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag



This course introduces basics of CMOS VLSI design and modeling of digital circuits and systems.

Teaching Load (Spring 2017):

Course work and assesment (out of 125) are as follows:

Tools to be used are:

Course Outline


Course Materials
Lecture 1 Syllabus & Introduction [PDF]
Lecture 2 Digital IC Review
MIPS Processor Design
Lectures 3, 4 MOSFET Review
MOSFET Non-Ideal Effects
Lecture 5 Delay Analysis [PDF]
Lecture 6 Logical Effort [PDF]
Lecture 7 Power [PDF]
Lecture 8 Wires [PDF]
Lectures 9-12 From Algorithms to Architectures [PDF]
Lecture 13-17 Circuit Modeling with HDLs [PDF]

Sheet 1 Delay [PDF]
Sheet 2 Power [PDF]
Sheet 3 Interconnect [PDF]
Sheet 4 From Algorithms to Architectures [PDF]
Sheet 5 Circuit Modeling with HDLs [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab 1 Cell Design and Verification [PDF]
Lab 2 Datapath Design and Verification [PDF]
Lab 3 Controller Design and Verification [PDF]
Lab 4 Full Chip Assembly [PDF]
Project CMOS VLSI Design [PDF]
Previous Exams
Mid-term Exams 2013 2014
Final Exams 2013 2014

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© Copyright 2010-2017, Mohammed M. Farag | Last updated: May 17, 2017