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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University
EE: Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag


This course introduces fundamentals and applications of electronic engineering for non-EE students.Course objectives include:
  • Present the principles of electronic engineering to an audience composed of non–electrical engineering majors.
  • Present these principles by focusing on the important results and applications and presenting the students with the most appropriate analytical and computational tools to solve a variety of practical problems.
  • Illustrate, by way of concrete, fully worked examples, a number of relevant applications of electronic engineering principles.
  • Experimental assembly and testing of basic electronic circuits to apply and assimilate the theoritical concepts taught in the course.
  • Practice modeling and simulation using SPICE CAD tools to increase understanding of the materials taught in the course.
Teaching Load (Fall 2014):
  • Lectures (2 hours), Tutorials (2 hours), Lab (2 hours)
  • Office Hours: Saturday 1:30AM to 3:00PM.
  • Teaching Assistant: Eng. Nour Nabil, Eng. AbdelKader Matrawy
Course work and assesment (out of 300) are as follows:
  • Year Work
    • 5 Labs: 15% marks
    • Project: 5% marks, for the project description click here
  • A Midterm exam: 20% marks
  • A Final Exam: 60% marks
Tools to be used are:

Course Outline
  • Review of Electric Principles
  • Semiconductors
  • Diode Theory
  • Diode Circuits
  • Special-Purpose Diodes
  • BJT Fundamentals
  • BJT Biasing
  • Basic BJT Amplifiers

  • Textbook:
    • Malvino, Albert, and David Bates. Electronic Principles with Simulation CD. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2006.
  • Supplementery References:
    • Floyd, Thomas L. Electronic devices: conventional current version. PEARSON Prentice hall, 2008.
    • Boylestad, Robert L., and Louis Nashelsky. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Eight Edition. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education Inc.), 2002.

Course Materials (2015)

Lecture 1 Course Syllabus and Review [PDF]
Lecture 2 Semiconductors [PDF]
Lecture 3 Diode Theory [PDF]
Lecture 4, 5 Diode Circuits [PDF]
Lecture 6 Special-Purpose Diodes [PDF]
Lecture 7 Bipolar Junction Transistors [PDF]
Lecture 8 Transistor Fundamentals [PDF]
Lecture 9 Transistor Biasing [PDF]
Lecture 10 AC Models [PDF]
Lecture 11, 12 Operational Amplifiers [PDF]

Sheet 1 Diode Theory [PDF]
Sheet 2 Diode Circuits [PDF]
Sheet 3 Special-Purpose Diodes [PDF]
Sheet 4 BJT Fundamentals [PDF]
Sheet 5 BJT Biasing [PDF]
Sheet 6 BJT Amplifiers [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab Manual [PDF]

Previous Exams
Mid-term Exams 2016
Final Exams 2016

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© Copyright 2010-2017, Mohammed M. Farag | Last updated: February 24, 2017