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Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Alexandria University

CC 322: Computer Architectures
Lecturer: Dr. Mohammed Morsy Farag


This course introduces basics and fundamentals of the general purpose computer architecture. Course objectives include:

  • Get familarize with MIPS Instruction Set Architecture
  • Study MIPS Microarchitecture and architectural variations
  • Study memory and I/O System for general purpose processors
  • Learn Hardware Description Languages to describe the computer architecture

Teaching Load (Spring 2016):

  • Lectures (2 hours), Tutorials (2 hours), Lab (1 hour)
  • Office Hours: Saturday from 10:30AM to 12:00PM.
  • Teaching Assistants:

Course work and assesment (out of 100) are as follows:

  • Attendance: 10 marks

  • 5 Labs: Using HDL to design a simplified processor

    • Lab work: 10 marks

  • A Project: Design and testing of a simplified MIPS processor (10 marks)

  • A Midterm exam: 20 marks

  • A Final Exam: 50 marks

CAD Tools to be used are:

Course Outline
  1. MIPS Instruction Set Architecture
  2. MIPS Micro-Architecture
  3. Memory and I/O System
  4. Hardware Description Language

  • Textbook:
    • “Digital Design and Computer Architecture”, David Harris, Sarah Harris, 2nd Edition
  • Supplementary References:
    • “Computer Organization and Design”, David Patterson, John Hennessy, 4th Edition

Course Materials (2016)

Lecture 1 Syllabus and Introcuction [PDF]
Lecture 2, 3, 4 MIPS Instruction Set Architecture [PDF]
Lecture 5, 6, 7 Hardware Description Languages [PDF] [PDF]
Lecture 8, 9, 10 MIPS Microarchitecture [PDF]
Lecture 11, 12 Memory and I/O Systems [PDF]

Sheet 1 MIPS Instruction Set Architecture [PDF]
Sheet 2 MIPS Micro Architecture [PDF]
Sheet 3 Memory and I/O Subsystems [PDF]

Lab Assignments
Lab 1 32-Bit ALU and Testbench [PDF]
Lab 2 Single Cycle MIPS Processor [PDF]
Lab 3 Multicycle MIPS Processor
Part I
Lab 4 Multicycle MIPS Processor
Part II

Previous Exams
Mid-term Exams 2016
Final Exams 2016

  • 23/5/2016: Please use the following form to submit your main project. The submission deadline is Thursday 16/6/2016 11:59 PM, late submissions will not be rewared.
  • 4/5/2016: Midterm results [PDF].
  • 13/4/2016:
    • The lab assignment submission deadlines:
      • Lab1 (32-Bit ALU and Testbench): 19/4/2016.
      • Lab2 (Single Cycle MIPS Processor): 3/5/2016.
      • Lab3 (Multicycle MIPS Processor Part I): 17/5/2016.
    • Lab assignments are submitted to the course TA in the class or by email by the deadline.
  • 13/4/2016:
    • Read this [PDF] file for the main project details.
    • Read this [PDF] for the bonus project description.
    • Teams are allowed (the maximum number of team members is three)
    • Both project are graded out of 10 and the submission deadline is 20/5/2015.
    • For both projects you are requirred to submit a report summarizing your work and the project source files compressed in a zipped file to the course TAs by the deadline.
  • The course started on Monday 15/2/2016.

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