Current Research and Teaching Goals
Quantum Computing
- Main goal: Seeking an efficient quantum algorithm for deciding graph isomorphism.
- For example, by solving the non-commutative hidden subgroup problem (ncHSP) using concepts and techniques of spectral and algebraic graph theory.
- Secondary goals:
- Presenting an alternative mathematical model of quantum entanglement based on partial products.
- Exploring the use of (infinite) mutual coinduction in the mathematical modeling of features of quantum computing such as interference, entanglement, superposition, and measurement.
Programming Languages
Smartphone Apps
- Developing smartphone recreational games similar to and based on games such as Quantum, Sudoku, Rubik’s Cube, ToyProofs, Mekorama and others.
- Developing Android Proof Maker (APM) as a port of Proof Designer to Android devices.
Teaching Goals
- Business-oriented: Teaching the practical uses of quantum computing in various application areas, such as Quantum Searching, Quantum Optimization, Quantum Cryptography and Post-Quantum Cryptography, Quantum Machine Learning (QML and QAI), and Quantum Natural Language Processing (QNLP).
- Research-oriented: Teaching topics of quantum computing, programming languages, mathematics, and recreational games and app development to graduate students, undergraduate students, and high/middle school (STEM/STEAM) students so as to directly serve in achieving the above research goals.
- As was done, for example, in the first part of this quantum programming course and in some recent whiteboard invited talks that introduced the basics of quantum computing, quantum algorithms, and quantum informatics.