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Mohammed Morsy Naeem Farag

  Assistant Professor
  Electrical Engineering DepartmentVT Website
  Alexandria University
  Alexandria, Egypt
  Faculty of Engineering
  El-Horreya Rd, El-HadaraVT-MENA Website
Electrical Engineering Department
  Postal Code: 21544
  Office:   4-4-F134

  Email:    mmorsy@alexu.edu.eg

Current Research
  • Cyber-Physical Systems, Process Control Systems, and Smart Grid Security.
  • Hardware Trojan Design, Detection, and Countermeasures.
  • Application-Specific Instruction Set Processor (ASIP) Platforms and Applications.
  • Network-on-Chip and CDMA Techniques for on-Chip Interconnect.
  • Design and Prototyping of High-Performance Computing Architectures in Reconfigurable Hardware Platforms.

Want-to-do Research
  • Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration
  • Low-Power and Resource-Constrained Hardware Design.
  • Embedded System Design.
  • Hardware Design of Communications, Control, and DSP systems on FPGAs.
  • Computer Architecture

Research Profiles


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© Copyright 2010-2017, Mohammed M. Farag | Last updated: September 29, 2017