Hicham Elmongui, Ph.D.

CC373: Operating Systems:


 Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 9/E, William Stallings, ISBN-13 9780134670959, Pearson, 2017.

  Grade Distribution: (subject to change due to COVID-22)

  • Homework Assignments: 10%
  • Lab Assignments: 20%
  • Midterm Exam: 20%
  • Final Exam: 50%
  • Lack of Discipline or Violation of Course Honor Code --> ZERO in semester work

  Course Policy:

  • All course-related communication is done through Piazza
  • No late entry to the classroom
  • No late submission of any deliverables
  • No side talking
  • Food/Beverages are ok, Coffee is recommended
  • Homework assignments are to be handwritten

  Syllabus/Schedule: (subject to change due to COVID-22)

Week Date Topic Chapter Video
0 Pre-semester Computer System Overview 1 YouTube
1 1/10 Operating System Overview 2 YouTube
2 8/10 Process Description and Control 3 YouTube
3 15/10 Threads 4 YouTube
4 22/10 Uniprocessor Scheduling 9 YouTube
5 29/10 Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization 5 YouTube1
6 5/11
7 12/11 Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation 6 YouTube
8 19/11 Memory Management 7 YouTube
9 Midterm Exam, Date/Time: see college exam schedule, Exam spans: Chap 2, 3, 4, 9
10 3/12 Virtual Memory 8 YouTube1
11 10/12 YouTube2
12 17/12 I/O Management and Disk Scheduling 11 YouTube
13 24/12 File Management 12 YouTube
14 31/12 Wrap-Up
  Final Exam, Date/Time: see college exam schedule, Exam spans: Chap 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12

  Homework Assignments:

  1. [Out Sat 1/10 Due Fri 7/10 @ 11:59pm] Class Honor Code (sheet)
  2. [Out Sat 8/10 Due Fri 14/10 @ 11:59pm] Process Description and Control (sheet - solution)
  3. [Out Sat 15/10 Due Fri 21/10 @ 11:59pm] Threads (sheet - solution)
  4. [Out Sat 22/10 Due Fri 28/10 @ 11:59pm] Uniprocessor Scheduling (sheet - solution)
  5. [Out Sat 29/10 Due Fri 4/11 @ 11:59pm] Concurrency: Mutual Exclusion (sheet - solution)
  6. [Out Sat 5/11 Due Fri 11/11 @ 11:59pm] Concurrency: Synchronization (sheet - solution)
  7. [Out Sat 12/11 Due Fri 18/11 @ 11:59pm] Concurrency: Deadlock and Starvation (sheet - solution)
  8. [Out Sat 19/11 Due Fri 2/12 @ 11:59pm] Memory Management (sheet - solution)
  9. [Out Sat 3/12 Due Fri 9/12 @ 11:59pm] Virtual Memory (sheet - solution)
  10. [Out Sat 10/12 Due Fri 16/12 @ 11:59pm] Policies for Virtual Memory (sheet - solution)
  11. [Out Sat 17/12 Due Fri 23/12 @ 11:59pm] I/O Management and Disk Scheduling (sheet - solution)
  12. [Out Sat 24/12 Due Sun 1/1 @ 11:59pm] File Management (sheet - )

  Lab Assignments:

Lab# Topic Release Date Implementation Period
(From - To)
Due Date Grading Period in lab
1 Shell Commands and Scripting 4/10/2022 in lab in lab N/A 8/10/2022 20/10/2022
2 Backup Script 8/10/2022 8/10/2022 21/10/2022 21/10/2022 22/10/2022 3/11/2022
3 Mini Shell (Source Code) 22/10/2022 22/10/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 5/11/2022 17/11/2022
4 CPU Scheduling (Sample Testcases) 7/11/2022 7/11/2022 22/11/2022 22/11/2022 N/A N/A
5 Producer/Consumer Problem 22/11/2022 3/12/2022 16/12/2022 16/12/2022 17/12/2022 29/12/2022
6 Threads (Codebase) 8/12/2022 17/12/2022 30/12/2022 30/12/2022 N/A N/A
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